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2. Openlink

This step is a little bit complicated. You have to done works on both sides of your Linux client machine and NT server.

2.1 On the Client

  • From ftp://www.openlinksw.com/, download install.sh and likoxglc.taz (for a libc6 system) or likoxxxx.taz (for a libc5 system).
  • mkdir /usr/local/openlink
  • copy install.sh and likoxglc.taz into /usr/local/openlink
  • cd /usr/local/openlink
  • sh install.sh, the install script will ask you the owner and group of the program. It will extract things to odbcsdk directory under /usr/local/openlink and copy a .odbc.ini into the owner's home directory.

2.2 On the Server

  • From ftp://www.openlinksw.com/, download ntadm65x.zip onto your NT server.
  • unzip ntadm65x.zip
  • cd disk1 - directory of where you unzip the package.
  • execute setup and follow the instructions to install the Openlink middleware.
  • remember to start Openlink request broker from start menu or service control panel.

2.3 Configuration Before Test

  • keep the .odbc.ini file in your home directory.
  • copy the udbc.ini from the bin directory of Openlink middleware install directory to the /etc directory of client.
  • customize /etc/udbc.ini. In [dsn_sql6] section, change the host, database, username and password entries to fit your server settings. Here is part of my /etc/udbc.ini:
      Host            =
      ServerType      = sql6
      ;ServerOptions  =
      Database        = pubs
      ;FetchBufferSize = 30
      UserName        = sa
      Password        = xxxxxxx
  • add to your environment LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/usr/local/openlink/odbcsdk/lib' and export it. In csh shell, type: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/openlink/odbcsdk/lib

2.4 Text with odbctest

  • cd /usr/local/openlink/odbcsdk/examples
  • ./odbctest
  • type: dsn=dsn_sql6
  • when 'sql>' appears, you can execute your sql clauses to test the connection.

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